Saturday, March 8, 2008

Decisions, decisions...

Written: January 4, 2008

So we finally picked a permenant date for our wedding. January 26. I'm so excited!!! The year ahead is going to be very eventful with all the new things happening in our lives. We will be getting married, going to Florida, moving SOMEWHERE, and we don't know where, the kids going to a new school, meeting new friends, a new church.... But this time whereever we move to we will STAY there!! I can't wait to just settle down and start my life with my family. As for the wedding, we are planing on having it at a place called spring house inn, in Chesterton Indiana. It's a very cute little country place, with great views if all the leaves were still on the trees! All I can do now is pray for snow, which any other day I would hate, but if I can't see green, I'd like to see white!!! Then we will be going out to dinner at a place called Portobelos, or something like that. Jon and I ate there a couple days a go to try it out and the food was Excellent!! Were thinking there will be about 12 people there, perfect! Now I just have to find a dress, not too fancy, not to plain.... We are going to send out invitations tomorrow. I love this!! Today Jon said to me "In 22 more days you won't be Judy Munding anymore you'll be Judy Van Laanen, JVL"!! That made me get that excited, jumpy feeling inside, and I just can't wait!!!!!! Another cool thing is that everyone in Jon's family (his brothers and sister) all have J names.Jeff, Jody, Jay, Jim, Jerry, Jill and Jon. So they all have the initials JVL, and so will I! So if we ever do have a child together, you can bet their name will start with a J!!

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